Thursday, February 26, 2009

Where did February go?????

I just realized that I haven't posted in quite some time. Like the entire month of Feb. What a dull uneventful life I lead! Retirement is fun and I don't know where the days go. Everyday I wake up with somewhat of a plan and that really never happens. I have been going to the gym 5 out of 7 days a week. I figure if the people on Biggest Loser can work out for 8 hours a day I can do my part by going for an hour or so 5 days. I should be wasting away but nooooooo. I have met some ladies at the gym but all are young with kids in the daycare while they work out. I haven't told them that I hate kids. Speaking of kids, Summer and Jeff are expecting!! Wait, does she know?? We are all very excited and her due date is in Oct. I guess this move was really meant to be since her pregnancies are not a walk in the park, as you all know.
Jackson had his scheduled surgery a few weeks ago and is going to be going to rehab in another week or so. The surgery was to put a cath in his spine, to release medicine that will act somewhat like the botox, that he was getting in his legs to reduce his tone. It reduces his high tone in his legs, which reduces the pain and stiffness. The rehab will teach him how to use his muscles in his legs not his tone. There is a two year supply of the medication in him that the doctors can adjust from the outside. He was a real trooper thru the surgery, he had to lay still for 48 hours. His legs are much more relaxed and even his very tight right hand is not fisted and he can raise his right arm up over his head. Lucy stayed with Ray and I while Jax was in the hospital in Wilmington DE. She as you all know is a real piece of work. Oh yeah, we had the dog too. KitKat was not happy but Ollie was very good.

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations to everyone on the pending arrival of a new little one! I am on your 'blog' late in the game, and didn't realize you have a cat... and how did you adopt a cat? Sounds as though 'retirement' takes everyone to the gym! If we can't work, we can 'workout'! HA! Days do go by quick, but I think a part-time job would be great... Love the decorating Susan! We have the same color in our greatroom... at least it looks blue/grayish...
